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International Agreements Processing

Before pushing forward with an agreement/partnership, implementing units are expected to conduct their own background investigation in order to gain a position of trust. Potential partners must be legitimate institutions recognized by their state, or any higher education agency in a region or country. A standard background check includes the following:

  • basic profile of the institution
  • place in world rankings (if any)
  • specialization / niche of the institution
  • recognition of state (through local embassy or through DFA office in state, higher education agency)
  • recognition of institution, especially in research-related institutions not included in world rankings

Agreements are drafted (templates are available and may be used as basis/reference) and provisions are negotiated by both parties. Once the terms have been agreed upon and checked by both parties with consultations from OIL Diliman and the Diliman Legal Office (DLO) on UPD’s side, the signing of agreements can be finalized. The detailed guidelines on the processing of international agreements may be accessed here: